About Us

Bookstore, Library and many more
This is Karel.
When he moved to Leipzig he was sure there would be a secondhand bookstore there where he could find books in English.
It not only turned out no such place could be found in Leipzig but his neighborhood and in fact the entire East of Leipzig had no bookstore…
It took some years but since October 2020 you can now spend your afternoons browsing English books in our little store in the Mariannenstraße 18.
We are organized as a gemeinnütziger Verein (LitArt e.v.) and all members of our team work in the shop on a volunteer basis.
As we imagined not only those who prefer to read in English will find it hard to find secondhand books in Leipzig, but those who prefer to read in other languages as well, we also offer books in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian and more, and are always looking to expand our collection with other languages.

You can buy (most of) our secondhand books – and thereby help us pay the rent – but you can also become a member and borrow them. This way more people can read the same book.
Of course we also have a good collection of secondhand books in German.
And if the book you are looking for is not in our collection, we can order it for you.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at Orinoco Books!