Orinoco Kino: Woman in the Dunes


(Fri 08.07.2022
 / 20:00


(Orinoco Books
 / Mariannenstr. 18, 04315 Leipzig


(free entry

on Friday the 8th of July at 8:00 PM, Orinoco Books and AKV will host an outdoor screening of The Woman in the Dunes at Das Japanische Haus for all to come!

This movie by Hiroshi Teshigahara is an adaptation of Kobo Abe’s eponymous novel, which is currently available at our bookstore in German and French!

Entrance, including Japanese fingerfood, is free, just so that it might free up some space in our pockets to be generous to our friends of Das Japanische Haus, who have hit a particularly rough patch now that they are awaiting eviction.

Complete with a reading by media anthropologist Hannah Peuker (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), we hope to facilitate a most enchanting evening of Japanese food, literature and film!

Where: Das Japanische Haus, Eisenbahnstraße 113B (follow the signs)

When: Friday, 8th of July


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