Song Circle


(Fri 01.12.2023
 / 19:30
 - 23:00


(Orinoco Books
 / Mariannenstr. 18, 04315 Leipzig


(free entry

We’re trying out something new
Something we’ve wanted to do for a long time

We know a lot of you write songs
And want to give you the opportunity to try out your new material
(i.e. have an incentive to finish them;
shape them into something that can be presented)
And connect with other songwriters
(maybe even start a new project together!)

This is how it works
The evening starts at 19:30 and ends at 23:00
If you want to play a song
Come by between 19:00-19:30
To be put on the list
(you can play 3 songs maximum
so places are limited)

Every first Friday of the month!

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